Upcoming Events
Holiday Party
December 14, 2024
First Christian Church
156 Belleview Park Rd, Franklin, NC
The next meeting of the Junior Rockhounds will be Thursday, October 17th, 6:00 pm, at the Macon County Library. The Junior Rockhounds will host our guests (seating and programs) at the Toxic Rocks presentation and display their eggcrate collections at their table.
Any questions may be directed to Susan Ray at drsusanray@gmail.com
The Franklin Gem and Mineral Society's next general meeting will be conducted October 31st at the Franklin (First Christian Church at 156 Belleview Park Rd., at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to join us.
Google Maps Directions:
Our October meeting will be installation of officers for the upcoming season followed by a pot luck dinner.
e-mail Society VP/Sec Susan Ray at drsusanray@gmail.com
In May of 1974, the Gem and Mineral Museum opened in the town's old jail. Locating the museum in this site allowed The Society to display their gem collection to the public while sharing the interesting history of the jail that served Franklin for over 100 years. The museum operates as a self-sustaining entity due to our gift shop sales and donations, as well as the generous support of our County Commissioners. Admission to the museum is always free.
Today, thanks to our many donors, we proudly have displays of over 6,000 gems, minerals, and artifacts from all over the world!
We will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary throughout 2024, including the July Gem Show. Stop in the show to see a review of our history.